Alright, here’s the deal:

We’re selling a house.

You’re looking at houses.

That’s called synergy.

And if...

By some cosmic accident—you just so happen to be looking for:
🏡 A 2.6-acre property
📍 In NW Tasmania, with
🛏 3 bedrooms,
🛁 1 bathroom, and
🚜 A BIG shed...

Then guess what?

You just found it.


Well... maybe.

But listen—Destiny dragged you here for a reason.

And if you ignore her?

She might get... creative.

So just take the hint and check out the house. OK?🫥🤣

Your line:
OK, OK... FINE!  I'll check it out.


⬇️ Pick your poison:

Just give me the details
Show me pretty photos😍

(or, keep scrolling for the fun version)

Wait… you’re still here?


Most people would’ve scrolled past by now. But not you.

You're a stubborn one, hu? 

Perhaps… you are the Chosen One.

Maybe Destiny’s onto something.

Let's find out!

Summon us via technology:
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Warning: This is the fun version below!
(They AcTuAlLy told me not to write this) 

Pffft.... Whatever.

"Words" 🤣


  • Built: "Back in the late 1900s" (Cheers, kid—1980 ain’t that old!)
  • Aged: Like George Clooney—classy, solid career, but the joints are a little creaky.
  • Size: 113 m² — 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Open living/dining, and a North-facing balcony. Cozy enough for a small family, or a herd of cats/dogs/lizards if that’s your thing. (No judgment here.) ->Floorplan<-


  • G-Shape: Think U-shape, but with extra steps = more counter space for your kids to put their mess… uh, for serving.
  • Space: Loads of drawer space, and classy granite benchtops to brag about to your mates.
  • Bonus: Water pressure? Amazing. Water? Hot. No more excuses for letting pans soak overnight (sorry, blokes!).


  • No bubble wrap here, Gen Z… just 10,634 m² (2.6 Acres / 1.06 hectares) of prime Tassie Danger Dirt
  • Big enough for a pony, a few sheep, and a couple of those miniature highland cows you’ve been googling at 2 AM.
  • Located in Gawler: 6 minutes from ‘civilisation’ (Ulverstone) if you’re into that sort of thing.
  • Travel: 20 mins to Burnie, 15 to Devonport… and just over an hour to Launceston airport if you’re keen on paying $67 for a flight and $150 a week for parking to remind yourself why you left the mainland in the first place.


  • The main farming area is 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝟔 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬 for rotating livestock (or kids).
  • Most of the place has fancy-pants timber rail fencing around it too.
  • And 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 so you can let the livestock (or kids) roam free to keep the grass down.


  • She big? Yep. 
  • Powered. 6m x 10m. Unggghh
  • Workbench? Check.
  • Storage? Check.
  • Hide from the family? Double-check.
  • Extra 3m x 10m lean-to on the side for that horse float you don’t have yet but suddenly want now you’re a local? Yep... Check.
    (Horsefloat inquiries welcome)


We've worked our butts off getting the place ready for you. Here's a shortlist:

  • Fresh paint in bedrooms, bathroom, laundry, and hallway. (I used to like painting - ha!)
  • New taps in bathroom and kitchen.
  • New full-width blinds (so you don't get that sliver of light blinding you through the gap at the end of the day!).
  • New oven too!  (The old one died on Christmas eve, obviously, and we're not allowed to use the new one yet because it's too new - make sense of that.)  



It’s 2025.

Calm down.


Look, it's Tassie - If you're not on Telstra then what are you even doing?

THIS is why we can't have nice things. /sigh

Uhhh...  What else?

/deep breath


  • Fresh air outside - when you turn off Netflix & put your phone down.
  • Lemon tree? Yep. All year round. 
  • Apple trees? Two.
  • Plums? Heaps. Over the back fence (actually, on your property, so go wild).
  • The fruit trees produce in late Jan - so get the jammin' gear ready!
  • Rabbits? Yep. Doing those cute little flip-kick things while you sip your morning coffee.
  • Few sheep loose in the top paddock?  You know it! 🤣


OK, wow. 

That’s a bit forward, but I’ve always liked that about you.

Fair question really.

Nothing dramatic.

  • We’re just swapping farm chores for more date nights and less taxi runs for the kids.
  • It’s not brand new, but it’s not pretending to be.  It's comfy, solid, and ready for your personal touch to make it home.
  • Also, the carpet’s due for an update,  but we figured you’d want to pick your own. (You’re welcome.)


  • It’s ready to go.
  • It’s got everything you need to "small-farm" your own piece of Tassie just outside of town.
  • No: land clearing, fencing, building approvals, inspections, council headaches, or neighbour dramas.
  • No: mid-reno meltdowns required.
  • And NO sleazy real estate vibe that makes you want to bathe in Dettol afterward either.

Just you, us, and a fresh start.

So, that's it. 

A REAL slice of Tassie heaven.

No extra steps, no pressure, no dramas. 

Just come for a look.

Bring a mate...

...Or forward this to someone who’s into 💕George Clooney💕 

Just don’t wait too long – things this good don’t hang around forever.

Send us a message & we’ll sort out a viewing.

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