Alright, here’s the deal:

man in white long sleeve shirt

We’re selling a house.

You’re looking at houses.

That’s called synergy.

Now, we could have gone with the usual blerghy: “stunning open-plan living” schtick, but that's about as fun as watching a 45 minute slideshow on your weird uncle's 2003 Gold Cost holiday.


We respect your 3-second attention span WAY more than that. (Promise)

So instead, we went with humour.


Well, we're just not very good at following the "rules", that's why. 

So, heads up: the people in the photos? Not us.

We don’t look like that. No one does. 

Trust me - it's better this way. 

But... Just in case there's some kind of confusion:

The house and land are definitely for sale!

This is not a joke or some kind of elaborate deep-fake.

Ain't nobody got time for dat.

But... I knew we'd have this trouble so I asked my lawyer, and he made me say this: 

The Actual Disclaimer:
We’ve done our homework. Everything in this ad is accurate, true, and correct to the best of our knowledge. All the details, descriptions, and facts about the property are spot on.  They're just written in a way that won't bore your socks off like a regular real-estate listing. /snore

I added that last bit, but I don't think anyone will notice.  

Who reads that legal stuff anyway!? ha!

So, what happens next?


Maybe you buy the place?

Maybe you don’t. 

Maybe you send this to a friend and say: 

“Yo!  It's Chuck!  You know that stupidly brilliant house ad I was telling you about? Well take a look at this!” 

<share link>

Either way, you're probs reading this on the toilet, so, ewww... don't forget to wash your hands. 


Still here? 

Well don't be shy... get in touch!